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Can you Vacuum a Cowhide Rug?

A cowhide rug is one of the easiest rugs that you can own if you know a few simple cleaning tricks. Generally all the rug will need is a weekly vacuum.

However if you do feel your rug needs a better clean due to a spillage or accident find out how to wash a cowhide Rug here.

Tip number one:- If you can reduce the suction power on your vacuum cleaner then drop the power down to the setting for something like upholstery or curtains.

Vacuum Cowhide RUg

Tip number two:- Set the head of your vacuum cleaner to the hard floors setting with the brush in the down position so that you are brushing the rug at the same time as sucking up the dust and dirt.

Tip number three:- Stand in the middle of the cowhide and vacuum from the middle pushing the vacuum towards the outside edge - and run off the edge off the cowhide. Repeat this as many times as needed changing positions until you have turned in a full 360 degree circle and vacuumed every part of the cowhide rug.

Vacuum Cowhide Rug

If there are still some things stuck in the hair of the cowhide after vacuuming then a brush with a large plastic bristle type scrubbing brush will loosen the stubborn dirt and another vacuum should be able to remove the loosened dirt easily.

If you have any other questions at all contact us and we’ll respond as soon as possible.